Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Friday, October 9, 2020

Dreamed Story (SBTS 3)

The story of DREAMED  was weird. I laugh at myself every time I reread it and remember how the idea came to mind.


 I read the Bible. I read it not regularly, but I read it. I was, maybe, twelve years old when I first received a little book named The New Testament from a stranger. She must be a missionary from The Gideons International. I could only remember that fresh, beautiful face of the girl or little woman who gave it to me, but not her name or when nor where it happened.

So, it was one of those days that I had grabbed that old little book and read some scriptures which I could not remember, I fell asleep. 

I was seated then in my working chair and in front of me, my empty working table. I was not planning to write, work or do anything, but read. I fell asleep then jerkily woke up. 

Those words, "Listen to me!", woke me up. I thought someone was waking me up or shouting then. But to my surprise, there's no one in the room nor neighbors shouting. It was early in the morning! I fell asleep in my chair for four hours till three in the early morning!

I even cursed, saying, "Where the f--k they came from?" Ha ha. It frightened me. 

I hesitated to pick up a pen and paper, at least to draft. But then, I had already started the notebook with The Writer Series. To my own surprise, words were written fluidly even without errors. This has been the reason why I said I honor my pen. The truth is, there are several pens or whatever pen I could grab and not a particular pen.

These stories behind stories are confessions I share, believe it or not, if not to other writers, well to readers. Get them done and finished. 
Check for more: Tap more below

The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories 

Meet the Author: The Pen 

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)