Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Book of Life


The writer asked the angel.   

The angel showed him the Book.

"Tell me what is more in here?"


The writer's conversation with the angel in the HARVESTED series left him intrigued about the Book.

So he consulted The Pen.

"You have to explain to me more about that Book held by the angels in The Writer Series 15.

Unfortunately, his pen seemed not interested. His last pen was out of ink. He looked everywhere to find another one but could not find any.

 To his surprise, he did not need one. He found the answer in one of the papers he has written before he ever wrote the series Harvested. He looked at it (as shown below) and made his own self explanation of the process. 😉

 "Explain it."

He laughed as he imagined The Pen asking him. 

"I can't."

No response came to his imagination.

"I suppose you're telling me, READ THE BIBLE,

Soft wind from his open window made him realize it's already dark. It was late in the evening and the moon was shining bright.

He went to breathe some fresh air then told himself a personal wish.

"I want a vacation."

So he did.  

 Check more below: Tap the link

The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories  

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)