Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Dedicatory and Introduction




 This story is dedicated to my precious children.

With due meaning for today's Mother's Day 😊




 The Deep Blue Sea was written as a form of personal therapy through writing. It was written after April of the year 2005.

By that time, it was written in a Microsoft Word of my Hotmail account using the old type of computer (those with separated processors). I thought I had lost it when my computer was one of the victims of the famous hacking which originated from Pakistan. Though our computer had that internet free download antivirus Supera, the hacking made the computer die. 

Years passed, from the Microsoft account itself, I was able to recover the story. By that time, I already have my Google account. So I passed it over.

Just within this year 2020, I saw a movie of Matt Damon with the same title on Netflix. I did not watch it. I just told myself it must be a coincidence. Then while writing this Introduction, I found out there were even plays and movies done with the same title. 

Who can blame us anyway? This title is such a beautiful and meaningful one that can be interpreted in so many ways.

I hope that my own version as it is an original story of my own will reach your liking and taste.

So stay tuned. First Chapter on the 21st of this month, October 2020.



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(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)

 (c) bbayonito20