Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Seen Story (SBTS 7)

SEEN was originally titled Seasoned. It was first written in the memo pad of my mobile phone. I was waiting for a friend in Mostaza, an eatery like McDonald, located in Recoleta, Buenos Aires,  Argentina to have breakfast together before attending Sunday mass at Saint Michael's Church.

While waiting, the idea came into mind so I did not waste time. I started to write.

The words flowed so smoothly on my fingertips as if I was talking and telling a story to someone in front of me, though I was alone. 

Find below the screenshot from my mobile phone. Yes, I still have it saved in my phone.  


When I passed it to my notebook The Writer Series, I did not know what made me change my mind about its title. But I did change it. 

Below, find how it landed as written in the notebook.


In the memo pad of the mobile phone, it was written fluidly. As I wanted to share it in my Facebook Page, Simple-Me, I messed up my written copy in the notebook. 

It was copied in the notebook exactly as the memo pad, but trying to adapt, revise and adjust its content to the limited frames of up to ten by Facebook's slide tools, and take it as the same as possible in the notebook, the pages of the series got messed up like a scratch pad.  

There I learned a lesson: Stick to your original. 😊 


Check for more: Tap more below

The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories 

Meet the Author: The Pen 

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)