Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Writer Series Story (SBTS 1)

 The Writer Series was first written before the coronavirus pandemic. I could not say the exact date since it was not my habit to write the dates on my drafts. Now I have learned I must have.

Some of the series had been posted first in my Facebook Page Simple-Me, where the stories were edited to fit into Facebook's ten limited frames for use to put them in video form.

The series was originally written in a notebook. They were written every time I have a writing attack as I described it in The Pen.

The notebook as shown below: 

is a cream colored, blank, seventy pages from cover to back cover. Its pages are not thin. They are thicker, aimed for an artist art or draw.

Number One photo is the front cover, a beautiful sketch of Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

Number Two photo is the first page with the written title of the notebook : The Writer Series. 

Number Three photos are the pages that follow. The left hand page says Writer/Artist and below is written my complete name, I choose to be covered. The same thing of photo number two.  Below is written a favorite bible scripture of Psalm 51:10:

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."

Next, let me tell you my encounter with this special notebook. 😊

I was shopping with a friend in Alto Palermo in Buenos Aires, Argentina when I first saw the notebook. That was in 2017.

I remember that when it caught my attention, I fell in love with it. Or maybe, the Eiffel Tower effect was the reason. I have admired the Eiffel Tower since childhood.

I did not pick up the notebook at first glance, but the idea stayed in my mind. Without realizing it, I kept seeing it again and again. 

The third time, I smiled in front of it. Just staring at it like talking to it.

"Should I pick you up or not?"

Finally, I lifted it up and ran my fingers to its pages.

"What shall I do with you?"

That was my personal question.

Writing stories in the notebook wasn't in my mind when I finally bought it. It was drawing or sketching plans in my bored times that occurred to me. But then, it ended in a different direction.

I believed the idea of using it to write stories had happened after that day of general power outrage for long hours in South America on June 16, 2019. The service came back gradually. 

After I started the first series, SHAKEN, I left the notebook aside. Then it became a habit. 


Check for more:  Tap more below

The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories 

Meet the AuthorThe Pen

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)