Writing is like a moment's attack of ideas, thoughts and words on my brain that flows directly to my pen. Yes. I am an old-fashioned type. I use my precious Pen to write my drafts. That is why I honor it here, my best pen.
This blog is my medium of sharing some creative short stories I have written. I make it clear, creative. Creation from my own imaginative mind of stories that may seem ordinary, similar or whatever it can be for a reader. Some of them have already been shared in my Facebook page named Simple-Me. They are in video forms under the collection of The Writer Series. Here you'll find the complete series plus other intermission posts, and more, if you are interested enough to follow.

About Me
Most people know me as Beth, with the letters "th" pronounced in English. But in the country I live in, the letter "h" isn't pronounced. Sometimes, I need to repeat and explain my name's pronunciation with the letter "h". The purpose is the same, say my name. So, I'm Bet(h).
As Beth, I'm no one special to the world. But this world has special people to me. The Writer Series Stories you read on this site are all my works, including other stories and other posts unless stated if they aren't.
You see, I like to write. I love to write whenever I feel like! It can be edited or unedited, grammatically correct or not. Anyway, online document apps are available and whatever mistakes there are, especially in spelling, you can freely blame it on them. Let technology do its job.😉
I have studied Journalism in my high school days. My work has pleased our teacher. I was sent to participate in a short literary contest for the City High School Division. It was my first and only one, but has left a mark on my memory and pride. I won! Well, it wasn't a place between first to third, but the forth. I was told it was lucky enough for a beginner. Then, I was recommended by my teacher to Teachers Contribution Magazine at that time, and another magazine or two as a Contributor. I was accepted by them. I just don't remember anymore the name of the other two magazines. I started to earn some money. I was advised by my teacher to continue writing and dedicate to short stories for a start then to work my way up to become a novel writer! That was too much to dream of for someone like me. I was only so pleased to meet my teacher's expectation on assignments given me based on trust and belief in my talent. I like that!
Life or destination has driven me to a different future. I graduated with a different degree. A degree in college I have just applied and worked for a time.
Well, this Beth here, just writes to be "happy and free!".
With The Pen as my ally, my aim is just to write out all those thoughts of ideas, stories or whatever crap you might call that are begging to be passed through a pen, draft them out on a paper then drag them to the site. Something similar with Simple-Me, my Facebook Page of sharing and companionship, aiming to help and love one another.
Elizabeth Gilbert, a famous best seller novel writer, writes and just wants to be "finished" as she put it in an interview with Marie Forleo, a life coach and web television host. Well, The Pen feels the same.
Check for more:
The Pen (Url: simplewriterseries.blogspot.com)
Facebook Page : SIMPLE - ME
(c) bbayonito20/The Pen