Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, October 5, 2020



This is a short series of the Stories Behind the series of  The Writer Series. Behind the curtain, so to speak.

Not all the series have a special story behind them. The series not mentioned just happened. Out of nothing, an idea occurred in mind and I just wrote them.

Ideas occurred sometimes in an unexpected or inappropriate moment. All I made sure was there's a pen and a paper where I could write down, no matter if it's a kitchen paper towel, a restaurant table napkin, a memo note in cell phone or even a toilet paper. I once used a clean toilet paper to take down notes. You may laugh, but that was the real thing.

Usually, ideas come in while travelling in a bus alone. This has been the case of most of my posts in Simple-Me, my Facebook Page created ever since 2015. 

When a series of words, thoughts or idea sneaked in mind, they were lost in the air unless it's so interesting I bothered to note it down on any paper in my bag or cellphone notepad. Otherwise, everything would be forgotten once I reached my destination or got a paper to note them down.

The most remarkable moment when the idea sneaked in was the writing of DONE I was about to sleep at night after a tiring day. A story went on running in my mind that I have got to get up and write it down. I ignored it at first, but it went running as if not letting me sleep. After tossing and turning in bed, I gave in. I went back to my table, grabbed the pen and wrote the story in my collection of  The Writer Series. This series is my most favorite of all I have written. Then the HARVESTED. 😍

All about these series collections were written in a notebook I titled, The Writer Series. Stories behind their writings  were all narrated in the mini series of  Stories Behind The Stories, including the photographs taken of their pages. So I invite you to see more and hopefully, enjoy more.

Below you will find the photos and their stories to be shared in succeeding days:


Plus two more thereafter. So stay tuned. 😀



(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)