Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Babied Story (SBTS 6)

BABIED story was inspired by the pencil sketch that occurred to me even before writing the story. It was influenced by my father's memory. I have drawn this man with a baby in his arms on my father's death anniversary. Instead of a man babying a child, I twisted it into another story.

See the photo below, how my pen played with a pencil sketch of a man with a baby in his arms.


My father was the man of my highest regard in this earth. The same highest regard I gave to my mother as a woman. All that I am, I thank God for giving them to me as my  parents to raise and guide me.

The twisting of the story entered my mind due to my father's faithfulness to my mother. But the story of the series did not have anything to do with my own parent's story in their marriage. In the first place, as I have mentioned in the Behind story of Watched, he had never worked as a Marriage Counselor.

Most probably, it was my wishful thinking and hope that all men could be as an ideal husband as portrayed in the series. I had hoped that all women would be as fortunate as I had been with my own husband. As you might say to me, "you wished!" 😅

In any relationship, I believe in this rule:

"Do  not do unto others what you do not want to be done unto you."

Fair and right, as my pen says. 😅 


Check for more: Tap more below

The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories 

Meet the Author: The Pen 


(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)