Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Sunday, August 2, 2020


“Listen to me!

So in the midst of 


You shall stay firm 

and still;

Without fear nor 


Just, listen to me!

You can feel others 


On your sides in 


You can see 

thunders lights

Falling near you, 

but behold!;

I am with you, just 


On your head 

overrules fires

Coming from 


On your feet the 

earth shakes;

But none of them 

affects you.

Listen to me!

I am coming soon, 

very soon.

Hear my Words 

and be ready,

At any moment, 

I come.

Listen to me!”

Those were the 

words that woke 

him up.

The writer was

twisting in bed, 

Transpiring, and 

kicked himself out.

He was breathing.

He closed his eyes 

by impulse,

Realizing that it's

a dream. 

Then, on his 

ears,“Write it!”. 

With big eyes 

opened with fear

From the 

commanding voice, 

he reached

For his pen. 

And, write!


Check for more: Tap below:

 Dreamed 2

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)