SHAKEN, originally titled Shakened, was a pure mind creative story. It was influenced, maybe by fear due to the nationwide blackout in the country on June 16, 2019. It was in The Times news having the title 'Blackout in South America hits 50m', if it's still available online or any other news website. I also mentioned this in The Writer Series Story.
Having only some candles to lit me up while writing, I started to let my pen work. My mind imagined the worst scenario of the situation. Maybe worried due to a very uncommon occurrence in the country.
I was able to sleep well. I guessed that the pen took the fear out of me after I gave in to what it wanted me to do. To write it down.
So, The Writer Series was started. 😅
Check for more: Tap more below
The Introduction: Stories Behind The Stories
Meet the Author: The Pen
(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar