Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Round 2 (SBTS 2)




 Round Two (SBTS 2)



This story was written choosing between two characters of the series. I was trying to create a story for Jason's biological father, asking myself, why Jason was with a stepfather. But another idea came up. I created another character in the person of Luke. The witness story of Luke flowed first in my mind so he won Round Two. 😄



The original title of Seen 2 was The Hallway. It was written before the series Harvested. It was my first intention to consider it as The Writer Series 15, but another story came to mind which was the story of Harvested.


This was a story lazily written. No idea came to mind, so I let the widow, the mother, rest in peace with the husband. 😅 Don't worry. One day I would resuscitate her. 😂




Lagrima de Una Madre and Amigos were written years ago. They were inspired by different stories I have read, watched and heard from mothers. Except that Amigos was partially a true story.

 Additions to SBTS 1


La Llegada was written even before The Writer Series started to be born. I believe, even before I bought the notebook. It was first written in my first Google account's document. From this story arised the succeeding ideas of the stories I have written like Shaken, Dreamed and Seen. Then lately added, Harvested.



I tried. I tried. But I guessed I should remain a serious writer, not a comedian.😄 

This story was written years ago. 

Hearing people's struggle to leave smoking was the inspiration for this story. The signboard that says FUEGO PROHIBIDO, was originally, PROHIBIDO FUMAR. It was changed to FIRE PROHIBITED, from its original,  NO SMOKING. It must be funnier than the original signboard, but then I realized that the real intention, in general, of the story may not be understood. 


 There you are, dear readers, the STORIES BEHIND THE STORIES Round Two. 


 Sometimes, it was really fun to be there with your characters. 😂 Just like talking to your plants or animal pet. They could not respond, so you'll be free to give yourself their answer in accordance to your likings.  



(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)