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Thursday, November 19, 2020

Elyssa Q. Castelo




Where's My Love?

(The Letter She Wrote)
by: Elyssa Castelo
As I sit down again, looking at a blank sheet of paper and a pen, thinking about what words to use, I finally remember that letter I wrote and the lesson I learned.
"Be independent and learn to live on your own, in that way you will be free."
Dear Parents,
As much as I truly appreciate that you both have shown me the world and the fact that being born in this world is indeed the biggest blessing; waking up every single day during my fifteen years of existence, I finally made up my mind.
By the time you are reading this, probably my absence you won't even realize. I understand this can be your worst nightmare, but I snuck out from home a lot before and none of you even realize.
I guess your busy arguments about problems make nothing else matter that I suppose is best for me to leave.
Maybe then, my absence will lessen your expenses. I did try to do my best to help working out on a part time job. Instead of asking how my day has been, I receive bruises from arriving late assuming I have just wasted my time somewhere.
Don't worry I have saved enough. Even to leave some money by the dresser on the top drawer.
I earn enough to make a living on my own. I manage to have three meals a day and a roof over my head. So be free of worries about me.
I understand how my existence in the womb has stolen your time, that typical teenage dream of hanging out and partying with friends of your own age, wherein you're free to enjoy this part of your lifetime to experience what the world has to offer. Instead, you have me to feed. You then have to find a job, to work.
But I guess now, you have learned from your mistakes. I am not sure how the next chapters of your lives will go. I can only hope it will be a good one.
One thing I am sure, I will not make the same mistake
Till we meet again.
Your loving daughter. 
 (c) elyssacastelo2004

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