Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Round 2 (SBTS 1)





Shaken 2

The story flows after reading the word "shaken" from the Psalm I read on a Sunday morning, while having breakfast and decides to peak on a Bible scriptures.

I was making myself a question:

"Now, how shall I continue with The Writer Series 1?"

In my rereading, I have already reached Psalm 60, then 61. There is the answer. So I wrote.


Dreamed 2

It was October 20. The sky was cloudy due to consecutive days of rain. I was about to take a nap when the story of La Llegada in spanish I have written long time ago, came into my mind. I was about to sleep when an idea whispers unto my ear. The story will be a good one for the writer to dream about. 

I hesitated to get away from the sofa where I planned to take a twenty minutes nap. But sleep won't let me. I gave up and wrote it first. 😊 

Done 2

The idea came to mind one Saturday morning. I asked myself, what could have happened to the boy's mission. I thought about an astronaut. I was still very young when I saw the first man that had ever landed on the moon. Since then, I have admired their courage and liked to know more about outer space. But never to join them. 😂

Thank you for continuous reading. I greatly hope I can continue with giving you more stories. 

God willing, sure I will. 🙏

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)