Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Ika of My Heart - Chapter 1




Story Chapter 1

"My Lord, please make my Iko change."

Almost everyday, Ika goes to church to plead God for her alcoholic husband to change. In her mind it plays like a movie how he used to be. 

Iko was a romantic man when she met him. He loved to bring her roses and chocolates. He was very sweet, kind, funny and most of all, good looking with his brown eyes, short hair, brown skin and medium length. She meant height. Then she chuckled to herself every time she remembered his face when she told him he was too short for her. Well, again, she meant height. Ika was taller than him.

It is Monday afternoon. After having lunch and washing everything, she left the mini store to her twins of fourteen years old, while she took her turn to rest. They have a small store of varieties, from candies to basic home kitchen needs. A business they managed to establish during their fifteen years of marriage.

After ten years, she stopped working from an office related job and Iko continued with his painting jobs. Unfortunately, he lost it just a year ago. It caused him to change. He said that companies would not take him anymore because of his old age. It despaired him a lot.

On the other hand, he would not let Ika get back to work again. He wanted her to stay home. It did harm his ego to send her to work. She did not have a choice but to stand him when he started to turn his desperation to alcohol. He became a drunkard. A big problem for her.

After praying, she looked at her watch. Time to go. She took a deep breath and got up from the church's chair. There were few people inside.

She walked her way home. It was just two hundred meters away. Two blocks. She arrived at their mini store which was in front of their bungalow house, as it  used to be their front lawn.

The store was big enough for a mini store, where shelves were all around against the wall. Customers could not come in. They could only ask what they wanted and attended through the opened window of the squared size store. Outside of it, there was a small table with six chairs, where men like her husband and friends sit while they're having their beers, cans of beers as they join themselves to have their happy hour.

She entered the right  hand side entrance of the store. Her twins were ready to get back to nearby school. Both were in second year high school. They bade her goodbye, giving her a kiss on her cheek. Then she asked them for their father.

"Where is your father?"

The girls looked at each other with a sad face. No one responded to their mother. They just turned their looks outside the window of the store. Then their mother followed their look.


 To be continued...

Ika of My Heart - Chapter 2

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)