Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dear Readers

 This is a personal acknowledgement of  all readers of The Pen and The Pen 2.

The Time has Come!

It has been my greatest pleasure to have you come with me up to this point.


Once you stop seeing posts from The Pen, it will only mean "a pause". Like a vacation? Yes. Again. This time a real one.

The Pen has already done several scheduled posts, except The Writer Series 11, 13 and 15, even before the start and through the month of November. Series and other posts were already done and finished.

Besides the new title post, No Hablo Español, I have added another one, "Readers Shares", plus the love story of Ika of My Heart.

The Pen and the writer, our protagonists will continue writing for you, but offline.

For how long is the pause? Unfortunately I can't tell.

Maybe if you have your email given in the "Subscribe" label of the site, it will notify you once a new post is done. It is not a pay-to/paid subscription to my knowledge. I, myself, am a subscriber.

Besides, some unexpected behavior from the Blogger have disappointed me. Just like today, November 29, as I edited this post, I have found out that links of series round one I have included in the Round Two series were resulting to nothing once  you tap them. I am so sorry about that. But anyway, I have edited them again and hopefully you could read the First Round Series first, before continuing to the Second Round without you going around the block.

As soon as my issue is resolved, I shall return!

Be assured, I will.


Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2021!


(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)