Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, November 30, 2020

Ika of My Heart - Chapter 1




Story Chapter 1

"My Lord, please make my Iko change."

Almost everyday, Ika goes to church to plead God for her alcoholic husband to change. In her mind it plays like a movie how he used to be. 

Iko was a romantic man when she met him. He loved to bring her roses and chocolates. He was very sweet, kind, funny and most of all, good looking with his brown eyes, short hair, brown skin and medium length. She meant height. Then she chuckled to herself every time she remembered his face when she told him he was too short for her. Well, again, she meant height. Ika was taller than him.

It is Monday afternoon. After having lunch and washing everything, she left the mini store to her twins of fourteen years old, while she took her turn to rest. They have a small store of varieties, from candies to basic home kitchen needs. A business they managed to establish during their fifteen years of marriage.

After ten years, she stopped working from an office related job and Iko continued with his painting jobs. Unfortunately, he lost it just a year ago. It caused him to change. He said that companies would not take him anymore because of his old age. It despaired him a lot.

On the other hand, he would not let Ika get back to work again. He wanted her to stay home. It did harm his ego to send her to work. She did not have a choice but to stand him when he started to turn his desperation to alcohol. He became a drunkard. A big problem for her.

After praying, she looked at her watch. Time to go. She took a deep breath and got up from the church's chair. There were few people inside.

She walked her way home. It was just two hundred meters away. Two blocks. She arrived at their mini store which was in front of their bungalow house, as it  used to be their front lawn.

The store was big enough for a mini store, where shelves were all around against the wall. Customers could not come in. They could only ask what they wanted and attended through the opened window of the squared size store. Outside of it, there was a small table with six chairs, where men like her husband and friends sit while they're having their beers, cans of beers as they join themselves to have their happy hour.

She entered the right  hand side entrance of the store. Her twins were ready to get back to nearby school. Both were in second year high school. They bade her goodbye, giving her a kiss on her cheek. Then she asked them for their father.

"Where is your father?"

The girls looked at each other with a sad face. No one responded to their mother. They just turned their looks outside the window of the store. Then their mother followed their look.


 To be continued...

Ika of My Heart - Chapter 2

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dear Readers

 This is a personal acknowledgement of  all readers of The Pen and The Pen 2.

The Time has Come!

It has been my greatest pleasure to have you come with me up to this point.


Once you stop seeing posts from The Pen, it will only mean "a pause". Like a vacation? Yes. Again. This time a real one.

The Pen has already done several scheduled posts, except The Writer Series 11, 13 and 15, even before the start and through the month of November. Series and other posts were already done and finished.

Besides the new title post, No Hablo EspaƱol, I have added another one, "Readers Shares", plus the love story of Ika of My Heart.

The Pen and the writer, our protagonists will continue writing for you, but offline.

For how long is the pause? Unfortunately I can't tell.

Maybe if you have your email given in the "Subscribe" label of the site, it will notify you once a new post is done. It is not a pay-to/paid subscription to my knowledge. I, myself, am a subscriber.

Besides, some unexpected behavior from the Blogger have disappointed me. Just like today, November 29, as I edited this post, I have found out that links of series round one I have included in the Round Two series were resulting to nothing once  you tap them. I am so sorry about that. But anyway, I have edited them again and hopefully you could read the First Round Series first, before continuing to the Second Round without you going around the block.

As soon as my issue is resolved, I shall return!

Be assured, I will.


Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2021!


(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)

Pixabay by Pexel



Another addition to my lists of Acknowledgement is Pixabay from Pexel, where the new images I am using for Round Two of The Writer Series came from.

Pixabay is my favorite among Pexel's contributors of images on its site.



Besides being beautiful shots taken, it is worthy  of acknowledgement. They gave additional meaning and warmth to my titles.

I have others as beautiful as the ones above. But I have used them for other sites before, like Facebook.

That's it. If you have come to like The Pen, it has not been just the efforts of the writer and The Pen, but from others being acknowledge here as well. 

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)



Saturday, November 28, 2020

Round 2 (SBTS 4)





Babied 2

Believed 2

Survived 2


The three series were written on the same day. On the afternoon of November 16, I was thinking how to continue the rest of the series. In between cookies being prepared by my son, the stories of each series came flowing to my mind. All I had to do was to write them. Maybe it was the magic of the cookies. šŸ˜Š 


Cartas de Amor


They were both written long time ago. They were kept in my first Google account's documents. Cartas de Amor was first shared in Facebook, as it was dedicated to a person dear to me. 



(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)

Friday, November 27, 2020

Survived 2


 Round One : Survived 

Round Two:  Survived 2


She was typing the last part of her interview report about the teenager who survived a human trafficking, when an incident came back to her mind.

"I was a victim too."

She said to herself. 

Closing her eyes, everything that had happened when she was at the same age of the girl flowed to her mind.

It was her boyfriend then who intentionally wanted to deliver her to human trafficking for prostitution. She did not know that he was part of the trafficking by posing himself as a prospective lover to young women looking for a boyfriend to show off with their friends.

He was a nice looking, charming and romantic guy. He made it a point that any wishful dreams of young girls dreaming for a prince charming would find them in him. And he did it without much effort. Besides, all expenses paid by the organization. She was one of the many that fell for him. 

Remembering those, she still feel stupid.

Unfortunately for him,  his father was a journalist himself and even a detective.

"Be careful, my sweetie, with your acquaintances."

Her father reminded her almost every day. He noticed his father's strongest interest when she started to talk about her boyfriend. She would not want to remember him, not even his name.

The writer stopped on what he was writing.

"Well then, Pen, we would not have a name for the boyfriend."

He looked at his pen and talked to it. Then continued writing his story.

"Don't worry Dad, I will get you up to date. I never told him you knew about him."

She trusted her father and her father knew it when she told him those words of assurances.

Later on, she did not realize that she became her father's bait to the bad guys. When she found out, she got upset with her father and she almost gave herself away as a willing victim.

The day she was about to be handed to the organization of the human trafficking, she was riding in her boyfriend's motorcycle. They were running fast as they were being pursued by her father in his own motorcycle. They slided as they turned a street corner where a woman from a residence threw water with soap to clean a closed street for any vehicle as there was a road sign of construction undergoing. Her boyfriend ignored it and went in.

From that accident she almost lost her life. She was in a coma for a month as her head suffered injuries. The boyfriend was able to escape death as he left her after she was flown to the air by the impact. Both were wearing a helmet, but she lost balance and her boyfriend got back to his feet quickly. 

Once again she covered her face crying hard every time she remembered about her father.

"He died because of me."

She blamed herself. 

Her father became more decided than ever to learn about human trafficking and searched earnestly for that boyfriend until it costed him his life. The boyfriend was found and sentenced, but the organization still exists.

She would have wanted to die when she woke up from the coma, but her mother and brothers guarded her day and night till she left the hospital.

Gradually, with medical, psychological and spiritual help she had been able to reestablish herself and live a new life.

"I will die doing this father, I promise."

She wiped her tears and went back to her work. 

The writer stopped since he felt the pen getting zigzag with its writing. He looked at it as if trying to read it. A question came to his mind.

"What does she mean?"

The writer smiled and put down the pen.

"The woman reporter wanted to continue with his father's journalism work and maybe investigations."

He responded. Then as if having a crazy vision, he imagined the pen putting itself back to the pen holder. Without him knowing it, it did! Something he did not see as he already rested his head to his chairs headrest.

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)



Thursday, November 26, 2020

Jessica Alexa Bayonito



What is...
By Jessica Alexa Bayonito

What is spring without water?
What is a vineyard with no vine?
What is life without You, Lord Jesus,
Without Your heart in mine?
I am but a dry, parched wasteland
Who longs for the pour of rain
My cries at night are worthless
My labors are in vain
The enemy tried to kill me
To blind me with his lies
To quench the fire inside me
Right in front of my eyes
But Jesus, You came to give me life
A life to live in full
A hope to life eternal
In a world so sad and cruel
So I will choose Your way, My Lord
I'll hold on to what's proven true
Who am I without You, Jesus?
And what is life without You? 
  (c) lexxxabayonito
 Check for more: Tap below 

The latest Post/Series:  

The Writer Series

Readers Share




La Pobre Victoria en 50 AƱos
Cuando tenia 10 aƱos
Su hermano de 5 aƱos
La molestaba siempre.
Todos la decĆ­an:
"DĆ©jalo, es chiquito."

Cuando tenia 20 aƱos
Su novio de 15 aƱos
La dejĆ³ por otra.
Todos la decĆ­an:
"DĆ©jalo, es varĆ³n."

Cuando tenia 30 aƱos
Su marido de 50 aƱos
La maltrataba.
Todos la decĆ­an:
"DĆ©jalo, es el hombre."

Cuando tenia 40 aƱos
Su suegro adinerado
La despreciaba.
Todos la decĆ­an:
"DĆ©jalo, ya es viejo."

Cuando tenia 50 aƱos
Su hermanito en la carcel
Su novio en psiquiƔtrico
Su marido en cementerio
Su suegro en geriatrĆ­co
Ella se decĆ­a sonriendo:
"DĆ©jalos, ya pasĆ³."

Victoria mira fijamente el espejo:
"Eres entera. Los dejaste a todos."
Se dio vuelta y les dice a la gente:
"Me acuerdo de cada dolor. 
  No los olvido."
Ellos se la dicen con bronca y amargura:
"¡Eres mala! ¡No perdonas!"

La vida es como una rueda que da vueltas.
Las vueltas son las que dan la vida.

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Jessica Alexa Bayonito




You Care For Me
By Jessica Alexa Bayonito
You went from God to man, in all humility
You came so in darkness we'll find a way to flee
You came down from Heaven so I'd be set free
You came for me, Jesus. You came here for me
You chased down my heart, no matter what the
You are my way back so I won't be lost
You found me, Lord Jesus, when I thought I'd
never be
You came for me, Jesus. You came here for me

You've taken the bruises, the hurt and the pain
You've taken the torture so I won't have to again
You gave up Your life on the hill of Calvary
You died for me, Jesus. You died here for me

You've conquered and won, death has lost its
There's no one who's greater than our Risen King
One day You'll come back, Lord, in glory for all to
I'll wait for You, Jesus. You'll come back again for
 (c) lexxxabayonito
 Check for more: Tap below 

The latest Post/Series:  

The Writer Series

Readers Share



Cartas de Amor


 Querida Persona,  

No puedo describir quƩ he sentido exactamente cuando me enterƩ de tu destino. Creo que he sentido la tristeza de haberte perdido. Las lƔgrimas empiezan a mojar mis ojos. Mi garganta empieza tragar salivas amargas que no se de donde vinieron.

¡QuerĆ­a llorar!

Conociste el momento mƔs triste de mi vida. Fuiste una de las personas que lo han presenciado. Has escuchado de mis labios las penas y sufrimiento que he pasado. Hemos compartido nuestros pensamientos y creencias sobre nuestras vida.

Una vez mĆ”s, senti un dolor familiar aunque no tan profundo como los anteriores. No sĆ© si debo sentirme mejor o peor por las diferencias. Yo sĆ© que la razon se debe a que solo ha pasado tan poco tiempo para llegarnos a querer una a la otra tanto como mis amores anteriores. Pero sĆ© que he llegado a apreciar los momentos de pequeƱas charlas con mucho sentido que hemos compartido. 

ExtraƱarĆ© tus manos extendidas siempre dispuestas para ayudar sin esperar nada a cambio. ExtraƱarĆ© tu sinceridad y companĆ­a. La verdad, has logrado tener un lugar en mi corazĆ³n.

Una vez mĆ”s la vida me muestra la otra cara de la realidad que nunca mĆ”s podria ignorar. Nunca podemos ser dueƱos de nuestros destinos. 

No lleguĆ© a saber mucho de tu vida. Pero si lleguĆ© a saber como has peleado para vivir la vida aunque, a veces, como me has comentado en alguna de nuestras charlas, que parecia que no valiera mĆ”s la pena vivir. Es verdad que parece injusto. 

Fui testigo de tus esfuerzos para mejorar tu salud y tu ser. 

Fui testigo de cĆ³mo lo has logrado con toda determinaciĆ³n y fuerza de voluntad.

Fuiste un gran ejemplar aunque estoy segura que ni te imaginarias que puedas ser asĆ­.

Fuiste una inspiraciĆ³n que me hizo escribir esta carta. SĆ³lo espero que lo sepas aunque sea por magia o una forma divina.

No tengo mĆ”s opciĆ³n que respirar muy profundo y esperar que el aire lleve el dolor.

¡No quiero llorar mĆ”s! 

¿Acaso no tuve lo suficiente de antes? 

Bendice a la niƱa que te ama mucho y con su dulzura nos dice que te recordamos con alegrĆ­a. Con toda razĆ³n, las lĆ”grimas solo profundizan los dolores que sentimos. Es sĆ³lo una forma desagradable de recordarte. Tu salida es sĆ³lo una entrada al otro mundo desconocido. El mundo donde nos guste o nĆ³ serĆ”  nuestro destino cuando llegue el momento.

Para ti con todo mi amor...gracias por haberte conocido,




(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)


Monday, November 23, 2020

Babied 2

Round One : Babied

Round Two: Babied 2


Waiting patiently for her husband to sit down and join her in the romantic dinner table prepared by him as the Chef for the night, she was refreshing in her mind the love story of Iko and Ika, the book she read yesterday night.

Her husband just came that morning from his symposium, How To Prevent A Divorce. While he was away for three days, she dedicated her time to their grandchildren. She had enjoyed them, but she must admit how she missed her husband, especially at night.

"I am lucky."

She said to herself, proud and happy about her man. She giggled at the thought of how they were with each other when he arrived that morning. It was like the story of the book.

The writer stopped writing, looking at his pen with a question in his eyes.

"What story is she talking about?"

He placed his curiosity, but the pen kept writing.

"One day, I will show him the book or tell him the story."

The wife said to herself.

Not long after that, her husband came out with a big tray to be placed in the middle of the dining table for two, where there has been glasses for champagne, an iced bucket with a bottle of champagne first class, pairs of plates with forks and with a beautiful table napkin of red with a big white heart in the middle. The napkins were part of the gifts she received that day from him with a bunch of roses and her favorite chocolates.

She loved it when he treated her like a child, anxious for gifts of her favorite things. She heartily laughed at herself and the more when the Chef came in with his chef outfit in white, then soiled a little with sauces he must have prepared.

Her eyes got big when he placed the tray on the table.


Those were their favorite seafoods. They were prepared with drops of red sauces on top, besides the other two separated sauces her husband had prepared with them.

Her happiness of the moment could be seen in the brightness of her eyes, as they shared the food while watching each other with a tease on their eyes, mouth and below the table.

The writer stopped writing, remembering his stomach was hungry too. It was already ten o'clock in the evening and he had not eaten anything yet. 

He went to his kitchen and opened the delivery bag of chinese food he had ordered and arrived an hour ago, but his urge to write was stronger than his hungry stomach. The mention of the food in his story reminded him of the chow mein and shrimps waiting for him.

Once full in his stomach, he went back writing. His pen was missing. He searched for it everywhere on his table. Nowhere. It was his last pen with ink. He went back to the kitchen, thinking that maybe he brought the pen with him there.

He laughed out loud at what he saw, where he found the pen.

"There you are!"

He said to the pen. It was inside the chinese food carton box he did not eat, as if it was a pen holder. He was trying to remember if he himself put the pen there when he came to eat. Maybe.

Anyway, he picked it up and went back to writing. He found his characters finished with their dinner too.

With his stomach full after eating the delicious dinner and telling each other how they spent their time away from one another, the husband went to put a slow romantic music on.

His wife followed him to the living room holding the glasses of champagne. She was watching her husband.

She noticed him looking young at his old age, wearing just a pair of light blue shirt and white slacks. His clean, shaved face paired with brown eyes and thick lashes have always been his attraction to her. But nothing of his outside and handsome appearance have been the main reason she fell for this man.

"I am just lucky enough to find this man."

She was saying those words to herself when suddenly her husband turned to her and invited her to dance.

They were in that best mood when the telephone rang. They did not pick it up. Then the answering machine spoke.

"Mom! Dad! Come!"

They stopped and looked at the phone, alarmed by the voice of their daughter.

Her husband ran to pick up the phone.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

The father of her only child with  him answered the phone and later smiled.

She watched as her husband put the phone down. He looked at her, gave a big smile, hugged her tightly and kissed her lips.

"What is it?"

She asked releasing herself from his arms.

"Another boy for you to baby."

Her husband responded shrugging his shoulders, then gleefully lifted her in his arms and danced around with her in the living room.

"It's a boy! It's a grandson! This time it is a boy!"

Her husband was shouting happily as his wish came true. They have a daughter and after her she could not have a child anymore. Their daughter gave them two granddaughters. This third grandchild was her husband's wish for a long time.

After a while, her husband put her down. He looked straight on her eyes holding her face in both hands.

"But whoever came into the family, remember you are my baby and I am  your baby, first and foremost, okay?"

She could not speak a word as she was speechless savouring the meaning of those words. She just nodded with happiness in her eyes and smiles.

Then they gave each other another long kiss.

The writer stopped his story and put his pen on its holder. He rested his back on his chair, looking at the pen. There he remembered the letter he wrote about the "Querida Persona" in his No Hablo EspaƱol collections. He learned spanish, just to be able to reach her heart.

He took a deep breath and left his house to take a walk. He did not realize that the pen was intrigued by the book the story has mentioned. That love story of Iko and Ika. The paper started to be filled with ink writings. It said, "Ika of My Heart."

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)