Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Friday, January 22, 2021

The End of the World? When?

Experts make their own calculations, studies and predictions or call it prophecies, whatever, of the end of the world. 

You, by reading the Bible, just like me, can also make your calculations. I did. Why not? So here, I will share with you.

My calculations? Well, call it my "guesses". 😎

Well, one convenient calculation is the year 2520. How? Read the Bible and study the numbers it contains. Another but less convenient year is 2150. Hmm. 😏 The most convenient year is 3360. Way too long from 2021!

But put in mind what the Lord Jesus has said:

And don't rejoice!

Remember, we, humans are guilty of destroying the creations of God! We can't just close our eyes, senses and reasoning to what we have done to this wonderful world and universe that God has given us.

Whatever is happening to us, all sufferings and more, I am sure is hurting God's heart as well. But we must remember what His Son has relayed to us. 

To us, humans, the end of the world is when we die. It can be at any moment, even before that asteroid announced by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) agency of the United States that could impact the earth next year 2021, date and time included plus its equivalence to 150 bombs of Hiroshima. Technology is good, but sometimes terrorific as well, don't you think so?

Meantime, what are we supposed to do? How do we prepare? Do we have to? Of course.

I believe we have to prepare our soul. Our inner self. Our body would have to stay and be back into dust anyway. 

Preparing too includes knowing and learning about God. The Father Almighty, creator of Everything! How can we tell Him, "Recognize me" or "Remember me", if we don't even know who He is?

When it comes to committing sins, we keep sinning anyway. So we keep asking God's forgiveness. But, of course, we cannot fool God. Repentance must be sincere.

It seems we only have seven times a day permission to sin. Only? How many times are we supposed to sin in a day? 

Reading the Bible, here is what I come up with. I urge you to read and learn the Bible, so maybe you can figure it out better than I. 

What I try to show below is the process. The journey to reach God. To be qualified, maybe, to go to Heaven. 😊I call it my 7x7 Design. How about that? 😍

Now, the question is, our question to ourselves: In what part am I now? Am I ready for The End of The World?

Read The Bible (tap it to read the post)

"It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure."


(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar