Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, January 18, 2021

R3 Introduction

Welcome 2021! The Pen is coming back!

A new year has just started. May God bless 2021 for us!

The year that just passed has been horrible to us. The pandemic has affected our lives one way or another. But hope is seen in this new year!

Hope is the last thing we should never lose. God have mercy!

Without losing our sight to the truth, let us keep clinging to our hope in God. In Him we trust.

The Pen will come back with its Round Three of The Writer Series slowly and gradually. To be honest with you, what I called "my writing attacks" as referred to the continuation of the series have never happened again to me during my pause break. Strange! (at least to me). 

Neither did I put myself into dedicated writing anyway. I was giving myself a break, remember? And still, I am on a break. Pause. 😎

Other ideas have occurred to me.

First is to experiment writing in First Person with regards to my short stories, maybe essays too, under the classification E and A. Let us see later on where else.

In classification E, you shall find individual stories like The Deep Blue Sea and Ika of My Heart. What's coming to it is The Six Candles, which has Hating Money but Loving Chocolates as the original title I thought of, but it's too long for a title. It is not for sale, so it does not need a marketing strategy. Well, I'll put it anyway or maybe I'll change my mind. Let us see.

Second, I might include previous years written materials in my posts. You see, I have been writing for years. They were saved in my other Google accounts and bbayonito20 is my latest one.

Third, the continuation of the series under The Writer Series will continue gradually. 

As a new idea to continue comes into mind,  I write then share it with you. They will not come out in order, just like how it happened in Round Two.

With Google statistics, I can see which series has the most readers. Hopefully ideas to them come to me first. But that's not always the case.

From Round Two, I still have to continue The Writer Series 11, 13 and 15. Up to now, Gabriel has not come to wake me up! 😂

Who is Gabriel? How come you don't know? He was part of a series, remember?

However, if ideas come to mind for the Round Three continuation of the other series, they will come out first than the pending previously mentioned series.

Actually, The Pen 3 has already started with "Who is my neighbor?" under The Good Book Says. 

So there we are, my Dear Readers! Welcome Back!

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