"The Pen is a written collection of The Writer Series (and more!) created by the writer, author and page creator of Simple-Me in Facebook Page."
The Pen's First Anniversary
It's August 2!
Today, the second day of August year 2021 strikes the First Year Anniversary of The Pen! How about that? π
A year ago, I was able to drop my pen's first ink on a blank sheet of paper writing my First Introduction of The Pen.
(to read, tap for the link)
That was after a long and several, "Should I go for it? Should I forget about it?"π
Then one day, I said to myself, "What the heck! There's no harm in trying." π
I set up clear objectives and modest expectations, if ever it can really be called a "modest" one. Ha Ha.
I said, "If I get at least five hundred (500) on average reach a month in three months, I will go on. Otherwise, forget it. Make a turn and try somewhere else. But...
At the end of the Pen's second month, September 29, 2020 at around 8:30 in the evening, our time, I reached one thousand two hundred sixty one (1,261) ! A biblical number plus 1. It was a beautiful surprise and I took it as a good indication or sign that I must go on. I became prophetic or what, I don't know. Haha. Anyway...
The Pen's posts, I only shared in my Facebook Page, Simple-Me, and to my personal contacts up to this point, at least.
The readers' response, especially my treasured friends, have appreciated my posts and my childhood neighbor friend cried with the story of The Deep Blue Sea. Ha Ha. I planned to make her cry again, so I can laugh one more time. Ha Ha.
(to read, tap for the link)
So, this blog from Blogger, a Google product, made The Pen go on. Taking this opportunity to thank Google, especially the Blogger people.
The Pen, meaning I myself, the writer and creator, took some breaks, slowed down and came back again till Round Three, where we are still at the moment of this writing.
Here I share what The Pen is all about with links from Round One to Round Three:
(to read, tap the link)
I also share with you the detailed list of the stories of The Writer Series:
(to read, tap the link)
After the second month's success, I set the mark for five thousand (5,000) the most, then that's it. But...
I planned to stop and call it quit once the blog reached that mark. And it did in six month's time. Still The Pen could go on. I meant, the laptop's battery gave up but not The Pen.
I suppose I have to set another mark. Yes, I did! But this time, I will keep it to myself. We are in 2021, and the world is still in a pandemic. Something we have to do. I write, you read. π
For my own reference and use, I have summed up in a list, the posts from this blog, and share it with you.
(to read, tap the link)
Well then, let's go for the second year for more!
Stay tuned.