Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Backpacker's Road


Backpacker's Road is coming from this month on a weekly Mondays!

Backpacker's Road - Newborn

I realized there were arms embracing me and a skin full of food with a reddish round little point where a white liquid was leaking. It was finally pressed into my mouth.

Backpacker's Road - The Little Girl

Right away my mother was alarmed. She opened her eyes and came to the window. I looked both to my right and left, there was no one.

Backpacker's Road - Girl

As soon as the teacher left the room and only the four of us on our own, I bursted into tears. I could not hold it anymore. 

Backpacker's Road - Teenage

"Luke's father has led me to prostitution. It was the condition if I wanted to stay with Luke. And so I did whatever he asked me. Luke found out. He said he would make his father pay."

Backpacker's Road - Grown up

It has been years since that tribute mass our friend who survived from human trafficking had left to live abroad. Every five years, she comes back to visit the country, relatives and friends.

Backpacker's Road - Oldie


Everyone shouted except me. I was shocked. How could they recognize him and I failed?

Stay tuned for more!

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The Pen
