Let me tell you about His Kindness.
Before my twelve years of age, I was fortunate to have someone in my life that introduced me to Him.
Needless to say nor describe who she was, to me she was an important "she".
A woman with great faith and a remarkable believer in Him. Sometimes I think and remember her as an angel. Then in older age, her teachings have always been a part of me. Unconsciously, she has left a mark, a beautiful mark of faith and hope in me.
She has taught me to be afraid. Afraid of no one but Him. Not that He is bad, but the contrary. He is the only Good. He is what He is. The Almighty One.
I have learned to treat Him and see Him as a father. A father as head of the family. Someone to be respected and obeyed, no matter how others could see and describe him in their views, beliefs and opinions.
Another fortune I have is the father I have on earth. My father is not as great as Him. Obviously, my father on earth is but another human. Another me. That we are equally created by Him, for He is the Great Creator of all.
On the other hand, my mother is equally admirable for her strength, strong willed, faith and perseverance. She is the kind of woman that never gives up. All her characteristics have just complimented those of my father.
Because of them, I was born and became part of the living things on earth.
This sounds like a confession or biography, but the point isn't that. The point is: He is kind. At least to me as I perceive Him from everything that He has given and done for me in as much as not given and done, for He knows the best, and nothing but the best for me.
But don't take me as His favorite, because I am not. He might have His selections, which of course, is all His right, unquestionably.
I have had my share of tests and trials in life. Some devastating, worthy of giving up my trust and belief in Him, to my own judgment; but He is faithful. He never fails me.
He is kind.
He tolerates tantrums and bad, even worse behaviors. He is really an incredible existence, invisible to the human eyes, but can be felt in the human hearts.
The first twenty plus years of my life were spent in the development of my character, beliefs and behavior. I think that this is the first part of a life's pattern.
If you read His words written in Scriptures, pay attention. Numbers have meaning, not just for counting. For He is orderly and full only of purposes.
The next forty plus years of my life were spent in life's testing, proving myself to Him, and learning the results of all that knowledge learned, acquired and applied all through those total sixty years, more or less, of journey.
Then for the rest of the years, only Him decides until its end.
It is called Life.
A battle in the field, where you can fall and rise again to fight. Lose and win again until the end of your strength and you have to make a call: Father, help me!
That call is the sweetest part of all. For a Father who loves a child that remembers His name, is but a leap of joy to His heart.
That battle in the field is the battle of principles. In a battle, you have to choose whom to fight for.
A fight against good or evil. A warrior's fight!
And I guarantee you, nothing but an alliance with Him, for He is Good, is the best choice of all.
Obeying Him is hard; very hard; no! difficult; no! very difficult, at times. At times, for not all the times come easy. For there are times in life, you want to give up. But in the end, you win, if you keep your armors of faith, trust and hope in Him.
There is always a Light at the end of that tunnel of life, where you'll find Him, the Son, with arms open wide to welcome you. In His arms, there is peace and protection that comforts and assures the guidance of a Good Shepherd.
For He loves the world, where He has all His creations, where He puts to live His mostly love and precious creation, US!
With all of these, you can't but praise and be thankful.
"God, thank you!"
After a long years of journey, He gives rest and rewards. Whoever receives them, knows and understands from the heart. After making it through with Him in full faith, though stumbling sometimes, having ups and downs on the way; but always recovering to keep walking with Him, rewards always come. With Him on the side, as an alliance, nothing is impossible. Just believe.
Faith, Trust and Hope.
Wear them in those forty years to win the battle. Then one after another, He will decide again when to put you back after your deserving rest. Take it from Elijah.
Elijah, the prophet, was given the deserving rest after a mission. He just slept and He provided what the prophet needed to recover his strength, for he was but human. He did not work for food nor search for water nor take sleeping pills or medicine to sleep to be able to get rest. The prophet was even with a heavenly sent bodyguard, an angel.
He felt His intimacy with Elijah like the wind. For God is a spirit as His Son, Jesus, had described it to Nicodemus.
"The Spirit is like the wind...you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going." (John 3:8)
For He is kind. He knows when you are ready or you're not. And He waits. He waits so patiently. For He loves so much.
That his name is GOD and the only one who has and must ever have that name.
God as He Is.
For there is no one, since the beginning of time till the present and ends of times but HIM, as God.
Let praises and glories be to the Only God, GOD.
Awakening you,