Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Thursday, January 27, 2022

¡Por que No Entrar?

The Good Book Says

Tampoco entres en casa en que hay banquete, para sentarte con ellos a comer y beber.

Porque esto dice el Señor de los ejércitos, el Dios de Israel: Sábete que yo a vuestros ojos, y en vuestros días, desterré de este lugar la voz del gozo y la voz de alegría, la voz del esposo y la voz de la esposa.

Y cuando hayas anunciado a ese pueblo todas estas cosas, y ellos te digan: ¿ Por qué ha pronunciado el Señor contra nosotros todos estos grandes males? ¿Cuál es nuestra maldad? ¿Y qué pecado es el que hemos cometido contra el Señor Dios nuestro?

Tú les responderás: Porque vuestros padres me abandonaron, dice el Señor, y se fueron en pos de los dioses extraños, y les sirvieron y los adoraron, y me abandonaron a mí, y no guardaron mi ley.

Y todavía vosotros lo habéis hecho peor que vuestros padres; pues está visto que cada uno sigue la corrupción de su corazón depravado por no obedecerme a mí.

Porque mis ojos están observando todos sus pasos: no se oculta ninguno a mis miradas; como no hubo maldad suya oculta a mi vista.

¿Acaso un hombre podrá hacerse sus dioses? Ésos no son dioses.

He aquí que yo de esta vez los he de convencer; les mostraré mi poder y mi fortaleza, y conocerán que mi nombre es el Señor.

Jeremías 16: 8 - 12, 17, 20 -21



Monday, January 24, 2022

Volver A Ti


Alguien una vez me había aconsejado:

"No hagas o digas nada que no te conviene."

Parecía un buen consejo.

A lo largo del tiempo, me dio cuenta que el consejo en realidad significa:

"Solo diga 'Sí' o confirmas, no importa lo que te digan, así serás recibida e incluida a la familia."

En lugar de asentir, me callé y observé.

¡Caramba! ¡Me quieren llevar al infierno!

Pero es un infierno que parecía hermoso. Es por donde hubo mucha pasión en todo.

Pasión por la ambición; la posesión sobre cosas materiales incluido hacia personas como un muestro de "amor"; al pertenecer a cualquiera donde una está recibida de brazos extendidas tan grande que distrae la verdadera paisaje del alrededor; y más que todo, al sentirse perteneciente por la cantidad del miembro del mismo pasión.

¡Vaya! ¡Me querian engañar!

Entonces me detuve. Pausé. Paré. Porque estaba perdida y confundida.

Mientras los demás, la gran magnitud de masa continuaba y se iban, me quedaba atras.

Me quedé sola. Lo raro, sentí tranquilidad.

No tenía que complacer más a nadie, ni callar o asentir para no quedarme echada por fuera.

Lo bueno es la Libertad.

Libertad de ser Yo mismo.

¿Yo mismo? Así la pregunta.¿ Acaso quién era Yo?

Con mi tiempo detenido logré volverme a quien era y reconocerme.

¡Aha! ¿Cuándo y quién me había cambiado?

Antes de llegar a contestarme, pasó un vehículo.

"Te quedaste atrás? Sube y te llevo por donde están los demás."

Era una invitación del conductor muy, pero muy convincente.

Mi impulso de ser humano me mandó saltar por dentro del vehículo.

En el camino, me preguntaba;

¿En verdad quiero volver a lo mismo o no?

En el proceso me acordé de mi Viejo Amigo que apareció como una luz afuera del vehículo.

"¡Ayúdame, por favor!"

Fue lo único que logré decir desde mi corazón y no tuve tiempo para recibir la contestación.

El vehículo llegó!

Llegamos a una ciudad. Una sociedad que está dentro de un muro alto.

El conductor me preguntó:

"No tengo permiso de llevarte conmigo hasta dentro de la ciudad sin tu asentamiento. ¿Venís o te bajas acá afuera?"

La pregunta me despertó de nuevo.

"Bajo y pensaré."

Así lo hice.

De afuera, ví cómo celebraban la gente dentro de la ciudad. Fiesta aca, fiesta allá por todo lado, parecía con tanta felicidad sin fin. 

No hubo duda que cada uno se siente perteneciente y merecido de todas las que tienen y disfrutan como lujurias, bebidas y todo que uno se puede imaginar para tener un buen festejo. Hasta que me pareció que hubo un aniversario de algo.

Me quedé afuera igual.

Cuando sentí que estaba sola, de algún lado, un susurro me llegó a los oídos.

"Nunca estarás sola. No te desmayes ahora, sigo aquí."

Me di vuelta y ví un Luz por arriba.

Entonces sentí alivio.

Por lo menos, no caminaré en la oscuridad.

Me relajé. Sonreí. Más que todo, sentí valentía.

Y me fuí caminando lejos de la ciudad.

Encima canté la canción dedicada a mi por mi padre.

En español, Nunca Caminarás Sola.

Desde entonces, me encontré de nuevo. 

Gracias a mi Viejo Amigo. Nunca más, mi amigo Jesus, permites que me alejes de ti,


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Let The Music Play (Intermission 18)


Best of Both World's

Best of both world's, that's what you want
All your own way, that's not my way
I won't share you, I couldn't bear to
It's time for you to choose which one
you'd rather lose.

Can you love her and forget me?
Are you sorry that you met me?
What we've been through means 
nothing to you.
I can't satisfy you, you want
best of both world's.

Make your fickle mind up
I won't stay while you enjoy
Best of both world's

I have loved you since I found you
You belong here, just look around you
Keep your true love or take your new love
You must choose between us, you want
best of both world's

Make your fickle mind up
I won't stay while you enjoy
Best of both world's

You've got to choose between us
You can't have the two of us

Make your fickle mind up
I won't stay while you enjoy.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Dear Friend 1


Let me tell you about His Kindness.

Before my twelve years of age, I was fortunate to have someone in my life that introduced me to Him.

Needless to say nor describe who she was, to me she was an important "she". 

A woman with great faith and a remarkable believer in Him. Sometimes I think and remember her as an angel. Then in older age, her teachings have always been a part of me. Unconsciously, she has left a mark, a beautiful mark of faith and hope in me.

She has taught me to be afraid. Afraid of no one but Him. Not that He is  bad, but the contrary. He is the only Good. He is what He is. The Almighty One. 

I have learned to treat Him and see Him as a father. A father as head of the family. Someone to be respected and obeyed, no matter how others could see and describe him in their views, beliefs and opinions.

Another fortune I have is the father I have on earth. My father is not as great as Him. Obviously, my father on earth is but another human. Another me. That we are equally created by Him, for He is the Great Creator of all.

On the other hand, my mother is equally admirable for her strength, strong willed, faith and perseverance. She is the kind of woman that never gives up. All her characteristics have just complimented those of my father.

Because of them, I was born and became part of the living things on earth.

This sounds like a confession or biography, but the point isn't that. The point is: He is kind. At least to me as I perceive Him from everything that He has given and done for me in as much as not given and done, for He knows the best, and nothing but the best for me.

But don't take me as His favorite, because I am not. He might have His selections, which of course, is all His right, unquestionably.

I have had my share of tests and trials in life. Some devastating, worthy of giving up my trust and belief in Him, to my own judgment; but He is faithful. He never fails me.

He is kind. 

He tolerates tantrums and bad, even worse behaviors. He is really an incredible existence, invisible to the human eyes, but can be felt in the human hearts. 

The first twenty plus years of my life were spent in the development of my character, beliefs and behavior. I think that this is the first part of a life's pattern.

If you read His words written in Scriptures, pay attention. Numbers have meaning, not just for counting. For He is orderly and full only of purposes.

The next forty plus years of my life were spent in life's testing, proving myself to Him, and learning the results of all that knowledge learned, acquired and applied all through those total sixty years, more or less,  of journey.

Then for the rest of the years, only Him decides until its end.

It is called Life. 

A battle in the field, where you can fall and rise again to fight. Lose and win again until the end of your strength and you have to make a call: Father, help me!

That call is the sweetest part of all. For a Father who loves a child that remembers His name, is but a leap of joy to His heart.

That battle in the field is the battle of principles. In a battle, you have to choose whom to fight for. 

A fight against good or evil. A warrior's fight!

And I guarantee you, nothing but an alliance with Him, for He is Good, is the best choice of all.

Obeying Him is hard; very hard; no! difficult; no! very difficult, at times. At times, for not all the times come easy. For there are times in life, you want to give up. But in the end, you win, if you keep your armors of faith, trust and hope in Him.

There is always a Light at the end of that tunnel of life, where you'll find Him, the Son, with arms open wide to welcome you. In His arms, there is peace and protection that comforts and assures the guidance of a Good Shepherd.

For He loves the world, where He has all His creations, where He puts to live His mostly love and precious creation, US!

With all of these, you can't but praise and be thankful.

"God, thank you!"

After a long years of journey, He gives rest and rewards. Whoever receives them, knows and understands from the heart. After making it through with Him in full faith, though stumbling sometimes, having ups and downs on the way; but always recovering to keep walking with Him, rewards always come.  With Him on the side, as an alliance, nothing is impossible. Just believe.

Faith, Trust and Hope.

Wear them in those forty years to win the battle. Then one after another, He will decide again when to put you back after your deserving rest. Take it from Elijah.

Elijah, the prophet, was given the deserving rest after a mission. He just slept and He provided what the prophet needed to recover his strength, for he was but human. He did not work for food nor search for water nor take sleeping pills or medicine to sleep to be able to get rest. The prophet was even with a heavenly sent bodyguard, an angel.

He felt His intimacy with Elijah like the wind. For God is a spirit as His Son, Jesus, had described it to Nicodemus.

"The Spirit is like the cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going." (John 3:8)

For He is kind. He knows when you are ready or you're not. And He waits. He waits so patiently. For He loves so much.

That his name is GOD and the only one who has and must ever have that name. 

God as He Is. 

For there is no one, since the beginning of time till the present and ends of times but HIM, as God. 

Let praises and glories be to the Only God, GOD.

Awakening you,




Friday, January 14, 2022

Spirited 3

Round 1 : Spirited
Round 2 : Spirited 2
Round 3:  Spirited 3

Two hours ago, her brother just left heading to his home, back to own family. They both came back to their mother's house after throwing her ashes by the seashore where their father's ashes were thrown as well.  She was just ten years old then.

Seated in her mother's rocking chair, she reminisces about that moment when she handed a card to her mother after her father's funeral.

While she locked herself in the chair, she roamed her surroundings with her eyes. Around her were books, notebooks and piles of papers arranged in orderly manner in her mother's two bookcases on both sides of the chair, and a writing table against the end corner of the Library Room. Right on top of the chair was hanging a luminous rosary and an image of the Virgin Mary.

She smiled and remembered.

"This is where mom prays her rosary every morning."

She took a deep breath and stood from the chair. Curious about the books on the shelves, she ran her fingers through them. One shelf has a label, "The Writer Series". She counted them and realized fifteen books in them.

"I have read them all, mom."

She whispered to herself. Smilingly she imagined her mother embracing her as her way to show her appreciation as always.

As she went to another shelf, she found more books with different titles.
Another shelf was labeled, "The Bible Journey", still another shelf labeled as "The Little Ka".

"Ah, I remember that you've said your favorite among your writings is The Bible Journey."

She flashed back the memory on her mind, closing her eyes, and remembering her mother's glowing eyes in telling her so.

"And I believed I had told you that I like The Little Ka, the most special to me is the photo you used."

And she repeated the strong laughter they had shared together.

As she opened her eyes, she noticed a pile of draft papers down below the shelves.

The bookcases have five shelves and the drafts were on the fourth. She picked them up and read the title.

"Que Dios Me Perdona"

In English, the title means May God Forgive Me. 

"Of course mom! You write stories in different languages. The more you learn a language, the more you try to prove to yourself you can write in a new language."

So she took the pile of papers and went back to the chair and read the story.

One by one she read through the drafts. The story was written in Spanish, a language she and his brother know as it was the native language of their father.

She accommodated herself well in the chair. After reading the story she felt startled.

"Why in spanish, mom?"

She could only ask herself the question. She took a deep breath and looked at her watch.

"It is getting late."

She looked at the piles of papers on her hands but only found blank papers.
She was shocked. She knew and was sure she was reading a story. How come she looked at it again and they were all blank papers. 

"I wonder if that story has a continuation anyway, mom."

She said those words as if talking to her mom. She looked around and realized herself standing in front of herself wrapped in a blanket, sleeping on the rocking chair of her mother.

"Am I on a dream?"

She asked the question to herself and she remembered something.

The blanket her mom uses to warm herself up every time she seated herself up in that rocking chair was still hanging by the backrest. She had opened it and covered herself while remembering her mother.

Herself standing as her dream vision in front of her body sleeping on the chair, she decided to join herself.

While closing her eyes, she remembered the words of the mother in the story she just read and said it to herself.

"Lo prometo."

Thinking about her own mother when she made a promise, she opened her eyes again then closed them definitely, allowing herself to take that desired rest, smiling and thankful of her mom joining her father wherever they are.


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

R3 Continuation


Welcome 2022! The Pen continues!

Another year of pandemic, yet life continues so is The Pen! May this pandemic ends this year, hopefully. Joining hands and praying together, nothing is impossible with our Almighty God.

Most of the things I would want to impart are the same as I have told you in below post in the beginning of Round three:

(Tap above link to read)

Ideas have not been so generous with The Pen, maybe the writer is feeling so low about what's going on in the world. And yes I am like the rest. But this is another year, a new one. The only thing permanent in this world is change. So, change will surely happen even in The Pen. 

One source of inspiration to write is Music. Songs have stories inside. A writer just has to let the imagination fly. So far it is not my case. Haha.

Meantime, I'll share some intermissions through Let the Music Play. This is for the meantime, until I finally decide if I should take to this site the written drafts. You see, it's a sort of self convincing as I am a self critic of my own works. 

The continuation of the series under The Writer Series will continue till the fifteen series are completed. Not too soon but they will, God willing. 

As a new idea to continue comes into mind, I write then share it with you. That you can be sure to keep us going. Stay tuned.

Other materials as well might be shared from Simple-Me, my Facebook Page, which now has changed its name to Meta.

One thing sure, The Pen will continue for as long as Blogger exist or shall I say Google itself. So that is HOPE. Remember, "Hope is the last thing we should never lose. God have mercy!"

Without losing our sight to the truth, let us keep clinging to our hope in God. In Him we trust. Alone.

So there we are, for now, my Dear Readers! Let's keep going and kicking forward. Back to the Future!

Inviting you as well to:
