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Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Finish Line

The Finish Line


The definition of Life is how we understand it. We understand it by how we live it; what we get from it; and how we imagine, want, desire and hope it to be. 

One thing is sure, though. Life starts and ends. It has a beginning and ending. It has a Finish Line.

A human is born.

Once a human being comes out to the world of people, life just starts. Along the way, toss and turns of living the realities in the actual world define the human. Unconsciously, the inner motives become to survive. Not just to survive to live, but to end up a winner. For the losers stay behind. For the losers die and the winners live and reach the "Finish Line" where reward is waiting.

As it is learned in school, all living things follow the same pattern. 

From the animals we learn what it is to "fly", and higher the better. Exploring everything. Every corner of the earth. We learn to "fight", and bolder the better. Letting every inch of the body nerves to work from head to feet. Defending every square of the territory won overtime. We learn to "live", and richer the better. Applying every knowledge earned from everything. No matter what the means and risk it had taken and required to gain riches. The aim is to win and survive. Be number 1, the top and the best of all, if possible.

A swimmer jumps from one point and emerges on the other. 

Between the starting and finish lines, there is the water to be crossed. It can be an ocean or any body of water. Under the water there is "life or death". The swimmer fights to reach the "Finish Line" where the reward of the survivor awaits. 

A forester enters the wild and dangerous, armed to fight danger and to come out alive.

A forest is another world itself. A territory of nature created for man, but belonged to other living things. Where human is but a challenge to their inhabitants, who crossed from one point to another. Entering to come out. Alive. Hopefully.

And more where there is "start" and "end".

The arena, stadium or field of battle or game is a world like the forest or body of waters itself. It is where "players" get in, dive and join to test Knowledge, Strength and Faith. 

The Doors say "IN" and "OUT". To Enter and Leave. Just those two. 

For only the Winner celebrates by the "Out" door, for the Loser stays behind, defeated or won over, as its Knowledge, Strength and Faith have died on the field.

A Problem. Any.

It can be seen from a far distance, created or dived in. A number does not start in 1 (one), if it is in 0 (cero). There is no Finish line to reach, if there is no Start line in the first place. There isn't Ending without a Beginning. What is in-between is Life in itself with all its definitions and meanings to whoever participates, crosses and lives in it.

A problem. Any. It comes in and out for as long as life exists.

Knowledge helps it be seen from the far. Strength leads the way to survive. But only Faith assures the way out.

But how? LOVE.

"Love is the only Way"

Knowledge of what "Patience" is; "Kindness" is; "Respect" is; "Generosity" is, and all the Good Teachings of the only Way.

Strength leads one to survive. To survive is to make sure of the TRUE strength to fill oneself with. For if it isn't the TRUTH, surely it is the Lie. And the Losers lie.

Faith is the only way out. It should start from the beginning, make its way to its ending.

The Way is Love.  

Where Love is Knowledge, Strength and Faith.

And, Love is God. Where Jesus is in God. For the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is One.  Christ is the Way.

May this help you my sister, brother and friend. 

"Porque tienen ellos puesta su esperanza en su Salvador, y los ojos de Dios están fijos sobre los que le aman." - Eclesiástico 34:15

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(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)