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Monday, May 17, 2021

Mommy's Bird Box


Right after watching the movie, “The Bird Box,” two children asked their mother.

“I didn’t get it mom.”

Eve said.

“What my dear?”

Adam responded.

“Why do the children have to be blindfolded, mom?”

The mother looked at both of them and smiled. Her two children are the same ages as the children in the movie.

The mother had them both seated beside her, one on each side of her, cuddled them in the middle of the soft living room sofa.

“They were blindfolded to protect them.”

She started.

“How?” Adam asked.

“From what?” Eve followed.

The mother continued.

“You both know that mommy loves you and/or daddy loves you, aren’t you?”

Both nodded.

“Well then, because mom and dad loves you, they protect you from any harm there can be in this world we live in.”

“Yes,” Adam agreed.

“So, in the presence of those other creatures or human beings that can be harmful to you physically or spiritually, mom in the movie covered their eyes so the children will not be tempted or deceived into something wrong that the evil people could offer them.”

“Ohhh,” Eve was getting it. Hugged herself closer to her mom. “Like when I was offered a new and more beautiful doll than the one I have, just to go with them wherever they wanted to, mommy?”

Her mother  nodded.

“Yes my dear. That stranger in the park who wanted to rob you from me.”

Then she kissed her in the head.

The mother looked at Adam.

“The mother blindfolded her children so they will only follow her voice.”

Adam nodded.

“Yes my darling. In the movie it was their mom. In real life, it is Jesus, the Son of God sent to us to guide us in our lives.”

“Like the mom in the movie, He told us what to do so we can be safe.”

Eve continued.

“Exactly darling. Children of God are asked to blindfold themselves from evil so they can be led by Him to His kingdom, where everyone can be freed and be safe.”

“In the movie,The Home for the Blind?”

Eve questioned.

“Yes sweetheart,” the mother sealed it with a kiss on her little hand.

“What about the bird box, mom?”

Adam questioned too.

The mother straightened herself before responding to her question.

“Well my dear, the birds are the messengers of warning.  When danger is close they are troubled and uneasy. They represent nature.”

Adam looked at her with a question in his eyes.

Her mother smiled.

“It is like saying, ‘Attention! Be alert! Danger!.’”

Both children get themselves closer, hugging their mother. A laugh came out from her.

“Don’t be afraid. Remember mom was there.”

Eve hugged her mother even more.

“But if mom wasn’t there, who would be there?”

The mother looked at her straight in the eyes. Seriously.

“God is spirit, sweetheart. He is everywhere. Mom and dad may not be there when you need them, but always remember and never forget, God is there. Jesus is there. You just have to call Him and believe, okay?”

Eve's lips opened to a wide smile with brilliance in her eyes.

“Yes mommy, yes! Just like daddy who is now in Heaven, isn’t he mom?”

Her mother’s eyes were filled with teary water. Fortunately she was able to control it from falling.

“Yes, of course.”

Adam continued.

“When the birds make the noise, the children stop.”

Then the mother added more.

“Yes. When you feel something strange, unusual or dangerous, you stop, pay attention to be alert, and be ready to act.”

“Why were the children told not to make a noise, mommy?”

Eve asked.

“Because God is Peace. You do not have to make a noise about your Faith. You do not have to impress anyone. Impress God with your faith by obeying Him. Love Him as your only God and love others as you love yourself. Making noise to disturb others is not loving them. Do you understand me, sweetheart?”

“Yes mommy.”

Then she turned to Adam.

“Shhh. Shut up now.”

The mother burst out in laughter. Then hugged her children like teddy bears.

“Someday, my children, you will understand better.”

Then they stayed hugging each other for some more time until their pet dog came to the children to play with them.

The mother sighed with joyful smiles.

“I Love My Children.”

The Scripture has warned: “Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. - Philippians 3:2.” 

 It also said: 

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8.

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)