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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blessings of the Simple



Blessings of the Simple


"If you believe, you will receive whatever you asked for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22)

Whatever you ask for with all your heart, you will receive, for as long as you paired yourself with God. I have proven it true not only through my own experiences, but through others as well.

A friend raised by a single mother, promised himself to have an early career retirement in life,   has fulfilled that whole hearted prayer. In pandemic days he has the joy of his life with a loved one on his side, going around, enjoying parks and nature, like having a vacation. A blessing. His faith, gratitude and love for God never ceases. The secret why the blessing continues.

Through his life, he has honored God, has honored the sacrifices of his mother and has served others through his gift in teaching. Most of all, his unfailing connection with God from childhood as taught by his mother herself. 

He isn't a saint, nor a famous person nor a celebrity on a tabloid, but just a simple "He". 

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

Another friend with a heartfelt determination to reach and step on the land she believed to find the "green pastures", meaning a better life, never failed a Wednesday novena kneeling herself from the main door to the altar of the church of her pilgrimage, had her insistent prayers answered. God is merciful. He could never resist a heartfelt plea, prayers and supported with rightful deeds. 

For many years, she lives happily and at peace with her loved ones, living in the "green pasture" land. A blessing. Her faith, gratitude and love for God never ceases. The secret why such blessing continues.

She isn't a saint, a famous person nor a celebrity on any tabloid, but just a simple "She."

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

Still another friend, taught by her mother from childhood to choose a saint to pray her novena through her life and have prayed since then to Sto. Niño, the Child Jesus, has received opportunities in her life on a platter that led her to reach places; finally live happily and fruitfully in her chosen ground. A blessing. Her faith, gratitude and love for God never ceases. The secret why such blessing continues.

She isn't a saint, a famous celebrity on any tabloid, but just another "She."

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

A little woman close to me, whose faith in God from childhood was raised and led by her own mother to such faith, still survived and stood firm through that faith, despite all the hardships of life; not her towards others, but others towards her. Throughout her life, God has held her firm unfailingly. Her happiness in her laughter and songs serving God in a church's choir and other necessities of her services has never stopped. A blessing. Her faith, gratitude and love for God never ceases. The secret why such blessing continues.

She isn't a saint, a famous person nor a celebrity on any tabloid, but just another "She."

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

One last example, another "He" who has risen and fallen from all kinds of life's battle throughout his life, as if he has been the favorite of the beatings of life. With the belt of truth buckled on his chest as he fights for what his heart believes is right and just, is still upright on one knee has kneeled like an exhausted warrior, praying for strength continuously, for he would never kneel nor surrender to the wicked and disbelievers in God. A blessing. His faith, gratitude and love for God never ceases. The secret why such blessings still live and win.

He isn't a saint, a famous person nor a celebrity on any tabloid, but just a simple "He."

"For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

I need not to write my own blessings, for such crossing my path, known and lived with these kinds of people, is such a true blessing in itself. For they have inspired, in the least, to share this truth in the glory of God.

Whatever I had asked for, I have received. Whatever I had not asked, I have not received as well. And many beyond my expectations, I have received without even asking God for. 

I am not a saint, a famous person nor a celebrity in any tabloid, I am just a Simple - Me and The Pen.😊

I, too, have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. We, all, have sinned. But "God is good", as an "amigo", a friend on facebook puts it in his post. 

There are so many of such simple "He" and "She." Blessed by faith not by wealth of the earth, for they are not millionaires nor with any of that "aires" attached to their status in life and treasures on earth that moth, decay and be gone in a blink of an eye after any disaster. Theirs are blessings beyond destruction for they have alliance with God, the only one with True Power.

For wealth gained from this earth will vanish in their time, but never the wealth gained in heaven. For God alone is wealth. As long as we have God, Jesus by our side, we are but wealthy beyond comparison.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Luke 11:9)

May the Lord bless, forgive and save us all. Amen.


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(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)