Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, May 16, 2022

That Bloody Moon


That weird bloody moon experience

On the night of May 15, 2022, I tried to check the existence of the moon in the evening sky, through my window. All I got was surprisingly strong winds as if there was a storm passing by. Since it was the case, obviously the sky was not clear but cloudy.

As informed to all humans by experts on lunar eclipses, the year 2022 is expected to have two lunar eclipses. One in the month of May and the other in November.

In accordance to NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) located in the United States of America, defining a lunar eclipse is as follows:

"What is a lunar eclipse?"

"A lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon align so that the Moon passes into Earth’s shadow. In a total lunar eclipse, the entire Moon falls within the darkest part of Earth’s shadow, called the umbra. When the Moon is within the umbra, it will turn a reddish hue. Lunar eclipses are sometimes called “Blood Moons” because of this phenomenon."

It was my first time getting myself really interested in lunar eclipses. Unfortunately, I could only settle in watching it online on a youtube live show by CNN recording the phenomenon from Chile, South America.

In our area, the sky was so cloudy and windy. From the inside of the house, it felt like a strong rain outside. 

In short, I watched and waited till the total coverage of the moon, meaning the lunar eclipse itself.

For reasons unknown to me, during the whole online observation, I noticed that each time there was a transition of one process to another, the camera whatsoever or the recordings were shakened.

Before this channel, I started watching the event on another channel where the people behind the camera or telescope maybe, were murmuring in the language I could understand. They were asking each other what just happened when something shook the recording. I smiled at it, thinking they must have probably touched the instrument but not too long, the image of the moon came back.

Then I consulted Google for another possible live broadcast. Thus I found the CNN channel on the Youtube platform. I liked it better so I left the other.

Later on, the same thing has happened every time there was a transfer of events, it seems. At least three times I counted. 

One was the total lunar eclipse itself when everything in the sky went dark alone and the moon disappeared totally. Second, when the darkness on top of it decided to separate itself again. But just to turn itself into another color, red. It was actually orange red to my eyes. Third and last, when the moon became blood moon totally and later the blood decided to leave the moon alone and let the light take the show. This transformation was the best I was happy about. I guess it was due to my weird experience while watching intently the entrance of the bloody red till the total coverage of the moon with nothing but red like blood. 

Here I will share that weird experience, keep your opinion to yourself about what you are about to read, thank you. Ha Ha.

As the burning red started to move from the moon's shape edges, it looked like a black hole being slowly covered by the burning fire. That at least was the reading my mind has led me to believe in itself.

It started to fascinate me and motivate me to give it all my attention to the point of totally focusing my eyes on it. Since I had turned off all the lights everywhere in our house, I felt the dramatic impact of the event. I could watch the show better. Then something started to enter my thoughts of what I was seeing.

"Was that a face on the upper left side?"

A question I asked myself since I was alone watching.

It was already past one o'clock in the early morning of the sixteenth of May. 

I watched closely and laughed silently as the movements almost in the middle of the bloody moon looked like mouths in strong discussions to each other. Like a fight. Weird. I sound crazy I know, but I am just here sharing that experience.

But then again, I could say that the "face" I thought I had seen before was taking a better picture later on.

"Oh my God! Are you a lion's face?"

I asked the screen as if it was going to respond. Definitely it wasn't a human's face.

I keenly examined it again and a dog's face was suggested to my brain. 

"That shape can be a dog too. But no."

I twisted my head to look at different angles until I noticed something that made the difference between the two animals.

"Oh no! You're not a dog. You seemed to have that mustache like that the lions have sometimes. Not like what the men have but looked like one. 

Laughing alone quietly, I was wondering if lion's really wear a mustache, but I must have described that white colored form below the two side by side black dots on top of it, as if they were the nostrils of the lion. I said to myself, I would consult Google Image later on.

Much more to my list of weird stuff, my eyes got rounded more when I believed to see the mouth below the white colored form like a mustace was moving!

"Are you talking to me?"

I asked seriously.

I did not feel any strangeness nor fear or anything but calmness as if everything was normal. 

The face before my eyes looked kind and gentle, not fierce. The two black holes below it I called nostrils were moving up and down as the mouth I believed was talking had caused them to make movements as well.

I sat steadily for a minute while watching. 

"What are you trying to tell me? Why am I thinking all these thoughts?"

I could not find an answer, so I grabbed a pen and made  a decision to share this experience to my readers and have a documented narration of this experiences.

Then the face or image was gone.

Slowly, the bloody moon was losing its blood. Instead a strong light lightens like the midday sun as it overtakes the show from the edges.


That was how I described the change after a shaking event or something until those recording the phenomena were able to get back the star of the show, the moon itself, to the screen.

As I admired the transformation, it felt like hope after a bloodshed. I was thinking then what was all that bloody moon was all about, really.

I paused and thought. What should I write next? I asked myself or maybe The Pen.

Suddenly something good has covered my heart that made my eyes teared while my mind shapes up the face of Jesus saying a hopeful set of words.

"I am the Light of the world."

It made me smile with happiness as I observed the bloodnes of the whole moon turning itself to be overpowered totally by the light.

I remembered then the rainbow sent by God after the Great Flood he had sent to vanish the world in Noah's time as related in the Holy Scripture, the Bible.

It was already eighteen minutes past two in the morning.

I finished my writing on my newly bought notebook until the Youtube channel of CNN Chile gave it's thanks for watching on the screen of their live show: [En Vivo] Eclipse lunar 2022: Transmission en directo desde Santiago, Chile by Instituto Astrofisica and Valle Novado.

There we are. As I have posted in my Facebook page Simple-Me to watch for this share, I inform you I ended up heavily sleepy on my bed and not somewhere else for know. 😄

