Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Monday, July 12, 2021

Disgraced 3

Round One   :  Disgraced
Round Two   :  Disgraced 2
Round Three :  Disgraced 3


"Luke! Where are you?"

She was crying helplessly, searching for her teenage boyfriend around the house. The shanty was in a disastrous stage as always. This time more.

Someone had warned her that the policemen had arrested Luke's father and were looking for Luke, as well. She ran as fast as she could to the house she shared with Luke and his father.

"Not you Luke! Not you!"

She fell on her knees as they both trembled and weakened. She looked up as if searching for someone to help her from above. She could not even say a word anymore as she could only cry her anguish.

Finally words came out.

"I could not lose anyone anymore. Please! Please!"

In her mind everything came back. Again.

Her mother committed suicide after she learned that she was abused sexually by her live-in partner. Her stepfather.

Luke, her childhood friend, was there to console her. Blaming himself for not being able to protect her against her stepfather, for he himself, has been a victim of his own father. The drug lord himself who led him to selling and being part of the soul breaking business.

Then she remembered the little Jason. Remembering him in her mind. 

(Jason's story: Disgraced - tap the link to the story)

"Jason! Help us!"

She always believed that Jason had become an angel and he is now in heaven.

Then she heard footsteps.

The twins!

(The twins story: Ika of My Heart - tap the link to the story)

Her friends came to pick her up and lead her out of the house to take her home before the authorities, the policemen, came to the house in search of Luke.

Their parents took care of her and adopted her as their own daughter. With the help of their religion teacher and her new family, she slowly recovered from her losses. 

Luke was arrested.

(Luke's story: Disgraced 2 - tap the link to the story)

Remembering the past after several years, she gave a sigh as she said to herself a heartfelt hope, while waiting for her turn to tell her story to her group of friends, all waiting to be called for the mass outside a church.

"I know that one day we will see each other again, Luke. I know."

(c) bbayonito20/bethbciar

@bbayonito20(Tap to Author's Profile)