Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Heaven Hears

Heaven Hears

One more time, one's own  personal experience can testify that answered prayers do happen. Heaven hears. How wonderful that is!

I was betrayed by a friend. From the one that I would have never ever expected in the least of all possibilities, but it happened. Let's leave it like that, for what was done was already done.

To my own surprise, it came as if nothing but unexpected. Deep inside, I did not really feel pain. I was disappointed, yes! Very much. Even to the point of laughing at myself at how stupid I could be not to notice it's coming. But analyzing what I might have contributed to the betrayal, I realized that I have always done my best for the friendship. Just like Pilato, I washed my hands to leave the dirt on the water, and leave it to God to judge me.

As a normal reaction, I distance myself away from toxic friendships, especially from those whom could have known about my traitor's feelings toward me, but preferred to shut up their mouths and not warned me at all. That's been the problem of considering oneself as an everybody's friend, but it hasn't been the case. Well...!

And so I turned to God. "Now what?", I asked.

The thing was, I had beautiful plans to spend together with my traitor. I offered a summer vacation at my expense, for I would not leave it as a debt by the other who claimed not to be able to afford it. But then, the Heaven Hears and it saved me and my savings. The betrayal came into my knowledge in even the most unexpected way, before the concretion of the plan. Thanks God!

Long before, I have asked God to give me a vacation with at least one friend, for I felt stressed and wanted to relax. I prayed. So I made a plan and choose a friend who turned out to be a wrong one.

Obviously, God has another better plan for me. Hold on there, now I tell you.

It started with a long time friend name Lyn. We knew each other for years, even worked together, but we live far from each other. Far enough that her found group of friends aren't mine, though I knew them and have even been a little close to them. 

She and I have something in common, fortunately. That's been love for arts. Both of us agreed to make a tour each month to visit museums in City of Buenos Aires for the whole year of 2023. This is the reason, The Pen, has been away for a time. But I am back, once again.

Through invitations by her and other common friend like Cel, I got myself into the group which started on the invitation to the birthday of Neri. I had never met Neri in person, and it was an opportunity. So I grabbed it. Grabbed the chance to open up again and try, a new group of found friendships of people. It turned out a blessing! Ha Ha.

You see? Leave it to God, don't fret. Just trust and be happy. That's not the end yet. Read more, learn more about answered prayers, for " Heaven does hear."

It has been my routine, habit or whatever you call it, to pray first thing in the morning. I pray the rosary. I pray the novena. I pray to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It has always been my time dedicated to talk to Jesus. I call him "Bro" or "Brother". Because He is our brother. The One who existed from the beginnings of time.

In one reunion, in a common family friend of the group who lives in Puerto Madero, Arnold and family, in a burst of the moment, an idea to spend a short vacation together came into the minds out of the usual friendly, family-like conversation of the group. Slowly, as the days passes by,  the idea turned into plans, actions and completion. Just like that. Magic! HaHa

The group has a purpose in its trip. To visit  someone from our same country, Philippines, who has been living so far away in the mountains of El Bolson, Rio Negro, Argentina. A friend we met first through social media like Facebook and been communicating through Whatsapp. She lives there  because the husband  came from the place.

As the days come closer, the season of Autumn we have has been showing instability in its forecast. Sometimes rainy, sometimes not in El Bolson. That was something that I must admit had worried me. It shall be the first time for me to travel to a region where there's snow and most of all going up the mountain. Not scared, but excited, anxious of how should I protect myself from cold of the snow. Ha Ha. 

As always, I turned to my Bro. I could just imagine him smiling and whisking his head from sides to sides. Always I hear, " Don't be afraid." Nothing else. So I finish the laughing for him by laughing at myself alone and find something in the house to do. 

Then one time, by mere laughing, I saw my novena book of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, which I have abandoned, I should say, for a while. There I looked at Her image hanging in my living room and remembered Her presence. Yes! The Mother of us all does exist. Why not?

So I prayed a nine day novena that moment which was exactly nine days before our due travel to El Bolson, without me even realizing it at the moment! Nine days after, at the ninth day, first thing in the morning, before travel, I prayed. 

There were only three things I made clear to pray and asked: 1) Good Health  2) Good Climate and 3) Good Memories for the group. 

On the day of travel, the granting to my prayers started to happen. We were all in good health. It was a very pleasant day, almost Spring in the season of Autumn. The flight and road travel were smooth and safe. The good memories started to roll on. Thanks be to God in the Highest, to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and of course, to Brother Jesus. Heaven Hears.

Here is one of our celebrations: watch the video and with me, lets Praise the Lord!

The group went and came back happily the same in both ways. All in good health, good climate, sufficient enough to enjoy the trip and everyday fun, and most of all, good memories as shared together. Through sweets and spices, life is complete in its meaningful purpose to be understood. 

The Lord God hears prayer. Giving not a better one, but the best. Just let God take over and Bro leads us to Him. 

This I sign, The Pen. Love you people 😘


The Pain of Losing You


The Pain of Losing You


Pain is always associated with separation from something we created. Yes. We created to connect ourselves with something, with someone, and with ourselves.

A project that did not succeed causes pain. A relationship with someone we have learned to love that did not work causes more pain. But, a self project that resulted to unacceptable results, oftentimes, even leads to suicide.

All of them are a creation.

We have a vision, a plan, an implementation of what we have created; but then, it did not work, it failed, something went wrong, and we ask, "Why?"

We build up a relationship, a connection, a future with someone; but then, something did not fit, happened and we are heart broken, and we ask, "Why?"

We studied, got involved completely, worked hard mentally, physically and even emotionally using all the possible and available tools, learnings and instruments; but then, we did not get our expected or hoped results. We failed to achieve personal goals, heart desires, and we ask, "Why?"

If we have ever felt any of these, could we even pause, stop, think a moment, how much more The Creator of Everything, our creator, God Himself, who is the reason of our existence and everything we are gifted, enjoyed yet taken for granted and destroyed, would feel, and asked us, "Why?" Do we have the answer?

Have we ever understood, "The Pain of Losing You?"

The disobedience of the first man ever created by God, Adam, must have caused the greatest pain. We should just imagine, receiving bad, very bad feedback from the most treasured creation among great creations that God himself has created.

God is perfect. His creations are perfect as Him; but...there's an enemy. And that enemy, from the time of Adam, has followed ALL God's creations with the aim to destroy and challenge. For the enemy is the Master of Envy. Don't we ever know that? Maybe. How far can we look away and how long even more can we deny it?

But then, Oh! but then...God is God With all He has done, given, and forgiven AGAIN and AGAIN; keep on blessing, renewing and even to the point of sacrificing His Only Son, "Why?" do we still keep on looking for, creating and worshipping "Other Gods?"

God is spirit. We must worship in spirit and in truth.

God is not a built in sculpture, not a highest ambition, not the passionate lust, not a glowful coin nor the bundle of papers. In a blink of an eye, ALL of them can be gone. Then what for us? Have we ever realized that? Or are we too afraid to even think about it? 

CLIMATE CHANGE is happening, maybe just AS A SIGN. Even just  the mere word, "climate" has another significance and meaning, not just referring to visible and invisible "nature" we call. What is happening to the sun, moon, stars, mountains, oceans, etc and etc that we referred to as "climate change" results of man's disturbances on them may  not be the "real issue".

How about what's going on BETWEEN US. Does the "CLIMATE" between people need not make any CHANGES? Do we really believe God cares more about the sun, the moon, the universe etc. more than us?


I believe those are the True Message of Climate Change.

Instead of understanding it, embracing it, we succumb ourselves to our God's enemy, and our enemy if we are on God's side. And, of course, it will continue as continuous destruction of everything aimed by the Destructor through the most loved creation of God, us. Do you believe it? Why? not?

THINK. We must have done it long time ago. While we have time, maybe it's TIME to think about it. Change the climate between us for the GOOD. 

