Look Up!
The woman with two children on both hands were walking on the mud that covers their feet. She was looking up the sky while the two young children were looking at the mud and all around them. The little boy's age is two years and his sister has ten.
The woman's face was bright. She was looking up as if talking to someone or seeing something good, despite of the cloudy and dark sky.
The two children's faces were full of worries and disgust. It was hard for them to lift up their feet to walk while their mother's walk with ease.
Then they raised up their heads and swayed them around. Their minds must be questioning what was going on. They saw the same thing on other people who have their heads bowed to earth. All of them just concentrated on what the earth can give them and what they can get from it and each other.
There were many grown up people walking alone with their eyes on the mud of the earth. They all seemed to be heavy laden. No one really happy but worried, irritated and troubled.
Some were like them. Children with someone holding their hands while walking. On one of them, they noticed a man with two boys on both hands.
Out of nothing, wild animals were coming towards them. Seeing them, the man with the boys around twelve and twenty years, quickly lifted up their carried arms to fight and defend themselves.They fought hard and determined to win.
"We won the battle!"
They shouted after defeating the beasts. Everyone around them heard it and were looking at the winners, like the boy walking alone beside the three of them.
"Who are they?"
The two year old boy asked.
"They said they are the Warriors of Light."
The ten year old sister repeated it.
After responding to their question, the boy with shoulder length hair, dressed in tunic and with flat sandals of old times, went walking ahead of them. There was a yellow colored brightness in his silhoutte. Then he disappeared.
The two children turned their look at the man with two boys. They saw them on their knees and bowed heads as if praying silently on a clean, white pavement under a streak of light coming from the sky. They could see where the light was coming from. It was like a bright light coming from an open door. As they looked at it, they felt lightness inside of them that made both of them smiled at each other and giggled.
As they moved their heads to look again at the man and two boys, what they saw on the ground around them suddenly changed their feelings.
Both hugged her out of fear from what they just saw.
The wild animals were dead. They turned into human bodies but with horns in their heads, claws on the nails of their hands and feet.
"Look Up!"
The woman, their mother, responded. She told them with authority but gentle voice. There was definite reassurance of relief as she said the words. She has been walking easily as she keep their hands in hers.
They obeyed the mother. They looked up to the sky. As they did so, what they feel have changed again. They saw, enjoy and felt the same thing their mother has been enjoying herself all through their life's journey on earth.
Since then, the three of them have never looked somewhere else anymore.
"Look up! Look up to Heaven, my children, look up!"
The Mother said as she put her hands together towards heaven and the children did the same.
"Hail Mary!"
The children said.
The boy who passed by them appeared again looking at them.
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)
As he turned around again to go on walking, he was transformed into a man but riding on a horse.
The man with two boys saw him and they went to follow him. The two boys were transformed into men and all were holding a sword. The same thing happened to those who were chosen to be with them.
From the sky, the following was heard:
"To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations - He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery - just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star." (Revelation 2:26-28)
The Rider of the Horse turned around. But nothing could be seen but a splash of light like a morning star.
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 2:29)