Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Getting to Know: What is The Pen?

Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Prayer

A Prayer
By: The Pen

I believe in the Most High;
the Father; God in heaven.
I will say of him as my refuge;
my strength; my Saviour in 
whom I trust.
Surely God will save me from
the wicked's traps and from 
the deadly weapons.
My God will cover me with
His grace. 
In His armies I will find my
His faithfulness will be my
shield and protection.
I will not fear the terror of
the night, neither the bullets
that flies by day, or the 
horrors of the darkness, nor 
the plagues of every day.
A thousand may fall at my 
sides, more at my right hand,
but none will come near me.
I will only observe with my
tearful eyes, feeling sorry for
the punishment of the wicked,
yet happy for the exaltation
of the righteous.
I will make the Most High, my
Home, where the Lord, my God
is my Master, then no harm will
befall me, nor the disaster will
come close to me.
For He will command his warriors
of angels concerning me to guard
me in all my ways.
They will lift me up in their hands.
So that I will not strike my foot
against any harm.
I will survive the roads of threats
and dangers.
I will spit out the venoms of lies
and deceits.

"Because you love me," says my
Lord. "I will rescue you. I will
protect you, for you acknowledge
my name. Just call upon me, and
I will answer you. I will be with you
in trouble. I will go through with
you all the way to deliverance.
I will honor your works of 
righteousness. With eternal life
I will reward you, and will show 
you and the world that:

The REDEEMER of the world.
I AM JESUS, the Son of God."

(c) bbayonito20/The Pen

Note to readers: Sorry about Google's translations. I pray you all can understand English.